Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6th, 2001

Continuously I'm getting heavier. I gained... more than 10 kg and probably gain little bit more until the time of delivery. I don't care much about the weight, mainly because I didn't gain much weight in other parts than belly. However, still wondering whether I would loss all of the gained weight soon. Well Well.. that is life, isn't it?

Baby's movement in the belly is also changing. It is different from the movement of few weeks ago. I can notice that the baby become bigger, because it looks like he couldn't move around as freely as he used to do. However, I believe that he cannot really compare better place because that place is his first and the only place that he can imaging right now :)

Everything is new... is pretty amazing thing. In that point of view, the life the baby is going to experience... would be amazing. Like... pregnancy was my 'brand new' experience and even though I've seen and heard a lot about pregnancy, it has been pretty new experience - still it is. However, still.... it may not be compared to the experience of new born baby.

One of our friends here told me that their newborn baby girl was surprised by her own hands... and later her own feet. How funny it is? and not?

Definitely I feel more uncomfortableness compared to last month, but my pregnancy so far was so easy - lucky us and our small one. Hope that it continues until the delivery and later on... :)

Five more weeks to go... or later, or longer.
Look forward to seeing you, little one.

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