Thursday, February 24, 2011

February 24th, 2011

Sometimes, the face of myself in pictures feels.. unfamiliar. 'Is it really me?' - that kind of thought. Not only the picture didn't come out as I wished or expected, but just because it triggers thoughts like 'Do I look like this?' It occurred to me when I was looking at my pictures in my blogs took several months ago in Germany. Somehow. Actually it is not only the face, but voice and sometimes even my own personality.

Life is also a journey getting know myself. And many others. Recently I watched the lecture series 'Justice' of Prof. Mike Sandel. That lecture series provide lots of topics to think about - how to live, how to communicate with other people, what is the purpose of life, what is right thing to do, and so on. 'Stay being alert or conscious!' is one of the message that I receive from the lecture.

Plus... 'balanced life' is really important... Let's remind me of those...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby's movement in the belly

It is getting pretty active and the intensity (?) is also getting stronger. I can tell the baby is getting bigger not only by looking at my belly but also feeling the difference in his movement. My belly popped up pretty a lot - it is really amazing that human skin is this much elastic. I even don't know what is my waist size right now, but it is literally 'huge'. I imagine balloon without air after delivering the baby. Even though it won't be exactly a balloon without air but rather slightly loose balloon for a while.

The change in human body is truly amazing. No wonder it causes back pain and indigestion since I'm carrying quite a weight on my belly. I guess that people who are trying to be pregnant should go gym and work on weight training - especially to strengthen their back. I really don't understand why I had never heard about this - strengthen your back if you're planning to have a baby!

It's been a while since I did ultrasound and little bit curious how he changed (and grew) since then. It is becoming 'real' that I'm going to have a little one because I started worrying about finding a place for child care and thinking more about how to name him, and so on. However, still it is more 'surreal' that I'm going to be a mom. It feels like some kind of a deadline, partially because I think that I need to finish up certain things before the leave.

Eight to nine more weeks to go... :)